A control & relay panel is designed to provide to control the associated line or transformer through outdoor switchgear at various 11KV and 33KV zonal substations. The control & Relay panels are complete in themselves with all main and auxiliary relays, annunciation relay, fuses, links, switches, wiring, labels, terminal blocks, earthing terminals, base frame, foundation bolts, illumination, cable glands etc. These panels are used for the control & monitoring of electrical equipments such as transformers, generators and circuit breakers. Indoor Control panel for Outdoor VCB includes IDMT Numerical relay, Master Trip Relay, Trip circuit Supervision Relay, Indications & meters etc. These control & Relays panels are available in various combinations as single circuit or multi-circuit depending upon the customer requirements.

- Food and beverage
- Water and wastewater
- Pharmaceuticals
- Chemical and Fertilizers
- Oil and Gas
- Pulp and paper
- Mining/metal/meniral/cement
- Power Generation
- Petroleum Refining