General water hardness is related to the dissolved minerals in the water. General hardness is a misleading term that is often confused with carbonate hardness or temporary hardness, which is actually related to alkalinity and relates to the “buffering capacity” of the water (its ability to resist pH changes). This means that if the carbonate hardness is high then the pH will be extremely stable or alternatively if the carbonate hardness is low the pH of the water will be able to fluctuate easily. The term general hardness should be replaced with a simpler term: Hardness.
Water hardness is the measurement of the amount of ions which have lost two electrons (divalent cations) dissolved in the tested water and is therefore, related to total dissolved solids. The more divalent cations dissolved in the water the “harder” the water

Hardness Sensor
- takes heavy loads for testing
- easy to operate the testing equipment
- indentation made during the test can be observed under microscope or eyepiece
- not sensitive to deflection and so easy to test
ETP,Chemical Plants