A paperless recorder is a data logger or data acquisition device used to record measurement data over time. Many paperless recorder Paperless Recorder Overviewdevices are integrated into industrial control systems for process monitoring applications. Paperless recorder products typically offer flexibility in the customization of inputs and channels.
With its knowledge of control systems, Nuvision Instrumentation is able to help clients connect the various systems to their Historian software to ensure that the information and data clients are looking for are relevant and available.
Among other things, this process will allow:
- Reduce production waste and scrap
- Speed up installation time
- Reflect costs more accurately (workforce, downtime and equipment)
- Increase equipment availability
- Allow for paperless integration of workflow activities
- Reduce inventory
In other words, Nuvision Instrumentation gathers all operational data to make it readily available to all users at every level, from the plant up to the management team.

Higher resolution thanks to the new processor ensures even more accurate measurement results. This allows the temperature to be recorded to an accuracy of 0.1 °C.
Paper Recorder
Paperless Recorders
Paperless Recorders with FDA Approval
Paperless Recorders with ATEX Approval
Data Logger & HMI
Graphic Recorder
Hybrid Recorder
Intelligent Recorders
Field Data Scanner and Recorder
Inkjet Recorder