A thermocouple is an electrical device consisting of two dissimilar electrical conductors forming electrical junctions at differing temperatures. … Applications include temperature measurement for kilns, gas turbine exhaust, diesel engines, and other industrial processes.
Temperature range: Most practical temperature ranges, from cryogenics to jet-engine exhaust, can be served using thermocouples. Depending on the metal wires used, a thermocouple is capable of measuring temperature in the range –200°C to +2500°C.
Robust: Thermocouples are rugged devices that are immune to shock and vibration and are suitable for use in hazardous environments.
Rapid response: Because they are small and have low thermal capacity, thermocouples respond rapidly to temperature changes, especially if the sensing junction is exposed. They can respond to rapidly changing temperatures within a few hundred milliseconds.
heating: Because thermocouples require no excitation power, they are not prone to self heating and are intrinsically safe.

The thermocouples are suitable for measuring a large temperature ranges. The higher range of the temperature is 2300C. By using the thermocouple, we can measure the gas turbine exhaust, kilns, diesel engines and fog machines. They are suitable for lesser applications, but the smaller range of temperatures is measured accurately. For the small measurement application the devices use are silicon bandgap temperature sensor, thermistor and resistance thermometers are suitable